How to get a CBSE Affiliation in India
September 18, 2021Changes that we needed in our Indian Education System
September 19, 2021How to get a CBSE Affiliation in India
September 18, 2021Changes that we needed in our Indian Education System
September 19, 2021
Table of Contents
How to Start a CBSE School in India
Q.1) Can an individual start a School without forming a Trust/Society?
The existing norms stipulate that educational Institutions must be run as service to the community. Accordingly, the opening of new schools in the private sector and subsequent affiliation with State Education Board / CBSE /CISCE, is permissible only if they are established by a registered Welfare / Charities / Educational Trust or Society.
Therefore, any individual / organization / association / society willing to open a new school, requiring recognition of the State Government and affiliation with any State / Central Board will have to constitute a Non-Proprietary Trust / Society, duly registered under Indian Trust Act-1882 or Society Registration Act – 1860.
Now CBSE also permits Companies registered under Sec 8 (Section 25 companies are called as Section 8 companies as per the Companies’ Act 2013) to establish schools.
Q.2) What is the procedure for constitution & registration of Trust /Society?
Some of the salient points for constitution / registration of the Trust / Society are given below: –
- Finalise the name of Trust / Society and fix the official location for operation of the Trust / Society.
- Finalise the name of the chairman & another minimum of two members of the Trust or seven in case of Society. The members of the Trust should not be blood-related to each other to ensure proprietary character of the Trust.
- Obtain the electricity connection and landline telephone connection and open a bank account in the name of the Trust / Society.
- Submit the relevant official documents for registration of the Trust / Society to the Assistant / Deputy Charities Commissioner of the area / district, where the office of the Trust / Society is located.
- If required, seek local assistance from any legal / non-legal person experienced in registration of the Trust / Society.
- Apply for Income Tax exemptions under various sections, including 80G and 12AB.
Q.3) How many minimum members are required to form a Trust/Society?
If the Society or Trust is formed at State Level:
A Trust can be formed and registered with a minimum of 02 members and a maximum of 21 members. In case of Society, minimum of 7 members are required.
If the Society or Trust is formed at National Level:
A Trust can be formed and registered with a minimum of 02 members and a maximum of 21 members. In case of Society, minimum of 7 members from 7 different states are required.
Q.4) What is the kind of Trust/Society required for a school project? What are the conditions put by CBSE to form a trust?
Any Religious / Welfare / Educational Trust or Society can set-up Institutions for school / professional / medical / engineering education for service to the society, provided this aim has been mentioned in the Trust Deed or Society bye-laws. The Trust should be of a Non- proprietary character so that it does not vest control in a single individual or members of a family.
Q.5) Is it necessary to form a Trust/Society?
Yes, it is absolutely necessary to form a Trust for setting up a School. As per CBSE / CISCE bye-laws, the schools administered and managed by a registered Trust / society are only eligible for affiliation with these Boards. Of late, CBSE also permits Companies registered under Sec 8 (Section 25 companies are called as Section 8 companies as per the Companies’ Act 2013).
Q.6) What is the purpose of forming a Trust/Society rather than running a school by an individual?
As per the rules in force, no part of the income accrued from the school shall be diverted to any individual in the Trust. The Trust / Society has to ensure that the saving after meeting all recurring expenditure in the school shall be utilised for providing additional facilities / infrastructure in the school. Thus commercialisation of education can be avoided, if the schools are managed / administered by the registered Trust / Society.
Q.7 i) Can the members of the same family become members of the Trust?
ii) Can the Blood Relations form a Trust?
The husband, wife, son, daughter singly or jointly can be the members of the Trust provided that they do not vest control of the Trust. In other words, if the husband as well as the wife (02 trustees), are the members of the Trust, then the Trust should have another 3 to 4 trustees who are not members of the same family, to prevent the husband-wife team vesting the control of the trust.
Thus the total membership of the Trust in this case will have to be enlarged to 5 or 6 Trustees, out of which 3 to 4 Trustees should not be from the same family. Likewise, in case a trust is constituted with husband, wife and son / daughter (three trustees), then the Trust will have to have another 4 to 5 trustees, who are not the members of the same family.

Q.1) Who will finally control the functioning of the school?
The registered Trust / Society constituted under Indian Trust Act 1882 / Societies Registration Act – 1860 with be responsible for the establishment and administration / management of the school as per the objectives set forth in the Trust Deed / Memorandum of Association and bye-laws of the Trust / Society. The Trust / Society will have absolute powers to frame or amend or modify rules and regulations, objectives, policy directives for administration and management of the school, in accordance with the relevant laws of the Trust / society, the organizational set-up of schools will be as follows:

Q.2) Will you have experts and celebrities in the field of Sports, Music and Creativity in the Management committee?
As per affiliation bye-laws of CBSE, all schools have to constitute a School Management Committee (SMC) comprising a minimum of 11 members and maximum of 21 members. In the School SMC will, inter alia, comprise 02 Educationists, 01 female educator, 2 parents, two teachers and also eminent personality in the field of art / culture and 01 professional administrator / CA / Doctor / Architect.
The chairman of SMC should make all our efforts to approach the eminent personalities in their respective field and have them included in the SMC with their prior and written consent. In addition, any other celebrity in the field of games / sports may also be included in the SMC.
Q.3) What will be the various committees which will help the functioning of the school?
a) As per the organisational set-up, schools will function under the overall administrative control of the Trust. The day-to-day functioning of the school will be entrusted to the School Management Committee (SMC) by the Trust. The SMC will manage the school as per the objectives and vision of the Trust and will be assisted by four sub- committees to ensure the efficient functioning of the school. The four sub-committees of the SMC are:
- Finance / Executive Committee
- Staff Selection Committee
- Sports / Extra-Curricular Activities Committee
- Co-curricular / Cultural Affairs Committee
- Various Other Academic committees formed by the principal such as examination, events, quiz, science, discipline etc.
b) All complaints or matters pertaining to the functioning of the school will be brought to the notice of the Principal (Administrative Head) of the school or any of the sub – committees or School Management Committee.
Q.1) If I am signing an agreement today, when can the school be operational?
The most crucial actions required to be undertaken for starting a school are:
- Formation & Registration of a Trust / Society
- Acquisition of Land
- Sports / Extra-Curricular Activities Committee
- Construction of the School Building
Therefore, time required to make any school operational will entirely depend on the speed with which above jobs are executed by the Trust. If all the actions mentioned above are well coordinated, it should be possible to make a school operational in about 12 Months.
Q.2) What will be the time frame to start the school?
The Time Frame for completion of three crucial actions essential for starting a school will primarily depend upon the initiative, action orientation and level of involvement of the Trust. However, average time frame for the completion of these activities are as given below: –
S.No. | Activity | Normal Time Frame |
A | Formation & Registration of Trust / Society | 2 to 4 weeks |
B | Acquisition & registration of land | 4 to 12 weeks |
C | Campus Planning | 4 to 8 weeks |
D | Approval of Municipal Authorities for construction of school Building based on Architectural Drawings | 8 to 12 weeks |
E | Construction of school Building | 32 to 40 weeks |
F | Pre-School and city office Activities | On-going with the Construction |
Ideally a time period of 45-50 weeks is required to start a school from thought to finish.
Q.3) What are the different pre – requisites required for taking-up the project for the school?
Any individual or a group of individuals willing to start School should undertake the following procedures / formalities:
- Be in possession or agreeing to acquire minimum 1.5 Acres land in non-metro and 0.50-Acre land in metro locations. Though, the actual land required may be more.
- Should have formed or agreeable to form a Trust / Society under Indian Trust Act-1882 / Bombay Public Trust Act-1950 or Societies Registration Act-1860 or a section 8 company.. The trust should be of non-proprietary character.
- Should have proof of adequate financial resources to guarantee commencement of the school project within a reasonable time frame.
- Should have passion for service to the society
Q.4) How can a Trust minimize the time for starting of the school project?
Considering that a normal time frame for starting a full-fledged school is 12 months. The New academic session for all CBSE affiliated schools commences on 01 April every year. Accordingly the project has to be started. In case of delay in commencement, ‘Society/Trust’ should speed up the process by using its Partner Network. For example, the architects we work with can help design the campus with reduced time frame and yet deliver quality.
Q.5 Can a Trust / Society already formed / registered start the school in a temporary hired building?
Legally it’s possible, however the lease should be for minimum 33 years, else CBSE permission will not be granted.
Q.1) Can anybody convert already existing state board School into a CBSE School? What are the formalities for that?
As per the CBSE affiliation bye-laws, school will be required to have a minimum of 1 Acres of land in Non-Metro and 0.50 acre of land in metro locations. In addition, the classrooms have to be spacious with a minimum area of 1 per student and the school should also have necessary infrastructure with sufficient open spaces for play fields to conduct various sports and games. In case these stipulated conditions are met, it would be possible to convert the existing school into a CBSE School.
Q.2) Will the land for school have to be in a commercial area or even a residential area would do?
While planning new residential areas / colonies, the Urban Development Authorities of the State Government, generally earmark a few plots of land for setting-up the new schools in that area.
These plots of land also known as “Institutional Land” are allotted to the Trusts / Societies interested to establish schools in the private sector. In case the Institutional Land is not readily available, the Trust / Society may acquire stipulated quantity of land for setting- up of school. However, in such cases the approval of urban development / town planning authority will be required to re-appropriate the commercial / residential / agriculture land into the Institutional Land.
Q.3) Can a small school with less land can Start School and later on buy additional land?
A. The Trust / society willing to open a new school will have to be in possession or willing to acquire the minimum stipulated quantity of land namely 0.50 Acre in Metro cities & 1.5 Acres in other cities / towns, at one location. The plot of land should be integral piece of 1.5 Acre or 0.50 Acre and no piecemeal addition is permitted by CBSE.
Q.4 i) How much minimum quantity of land is required for starting School?
ii) Has CBSE laid any criteria for land for the schools?
iii) What would be the size of land required for the state-of-the-art school?
a) The minimum requirement of land as laid by CBSE for opening School is given in the Table below:
S.No. | Proposed Location of School | Min. Requirement of Land |
I | Any urban / rural Area | 1.5 Acres (8094SM) |
II | Metropolitan city with population exceeding 25 lakhs | 0.50 Acres (4047SM) |
III | NCR, Delhi | 2000SM ( For sec school) 3000SM ( For Sr Sec School with two streams) 4000 SM ( For Sr Sec School with four streams) |
IV | Hilly Areas | 1 Acre (4047 |
b) Notwithstanding the minimum fixed requirement of land, all Trusts should make all out efforts to procure maximum possible land at the time of commencement of the project to ensure development of proper playgrounds and a spacious campus for the future healthy growth of the school.
c) It is suggested that in Tier 2 and 3 cities, Society / Trust may consider land of minimum of 5-8 acres, or above. However, the overall cost of land and feasibility of the project must be weighed. Further, some established Brands have their own stipulation of minimum land areas in establishing the School.
Q.5) In whose name the land should be registered? Is there any provision of lease instead of a purchase?
The land acquired for the school should be owned and registered in the name of the Trust / Society. In case of leased land, the lease deed should be registered in the name of the Trust/ Society for a minimum period of 30 years.
Q.6) How much land is required for a residential school?
The residential schools were established in the pre-independence era during the British rule, primarily to cater to the educational needs of the elite section of the society and developed over vast expanse of land from 50 to 150 Acres. However, in the present scenario it is considered that availability of land in the range of 10-30 acres will be essential for creating multifarious infrastructure needed for multi-faceted development of children in such schools. Additional 5 to 10 Acres of land may also be acquired in case a Mini-Golf Course, Race Course, etc is also planned.
Q.1 i) What will be the layout of the school building ?
ii) What are the specifications of the school building?
The school building intends to provide basic infrastructure in a school. The layout and architectural design of the school building therefore, needs to be planned carefully and meticulously. The School building could be planned as U-shaped or V-shaped or such other shape as finalized with the Architect and so oriented as to ensure maximum cross ventilation, minimizing solar heat gain and taking full advantage of natural light.
Keeping in view the requirement of vast play fields and open spaces for physical development of the children by conducting games and sports activities within the school campus, the ideal configuration for the school building at non-metro stations could be Ground plus two floors (G+3). Due to the paucity of land in the metros, the configuration for the school building at metro locations could be modified to Ground Plus Four Floors (G+4).
The salient features of the architectural designs are as follows:
i) The school building at non-metro location will facilitate functioning of a 3/5-section school from standard I to XII with 45-60 classrooms with all laboratories, activity rooms, library / learning centre, spacious canteen, auditorium, conference room and plethora of accommodation for office and staff.
ii) The school building at metro location will facilitate functioning of a 3-section school from standard I to XII with 45 classrooms strictly adhering to the norms of the board.
Keeping in view the different shape and size of the Land at various locations the architectural design and municipal drawings for the building plans, we need to customize as per the local conditions. Each School is unique and designed within the local socio-cultural context. In order to benefit from the architectural experience of our empanelled architects, you may please contact us for details of their services and projects undertaken at individual level by these architects.
Q2. (i) Is it possible to have 2 locations namely primary at one location (city) and secondary at the other (outskirts with hostel)?
(ii) Can a school be divided into two or more segments (Primary, Secondary and Senior Secondary), as in some areas getting a huge place might not be possible ?
As per the CBSE affiliation bye-laws, all the three stages comprising primary / Middle, Secondary and Sr Secondary wings of the School will have to be operated from a single location.
The entire school may function in a single building or different blocks at the same location. The only exception where CBSE may grant affiliation, could be the case, where main school building and the playgrounds are separated by a public / private road. It may be noted that Kindergarten School or Play School is not part of the Primary School, and can be located in a separate location, away from the Main Campus.
Q3. Before starting the construction, the building plan needs to be approved by whom?
Before commencement of construction of any school building complex, the requisite building plans are required to approved by the local Municipal Corporation / Municipal Committee / Town Area Committee / Village Panchayat. Accordingly, the ‘Society/Trust’ will have to submit the municipal drawings of the school building complex to the concerned authority for obtaining approval for construction of the new school building. The approval must be taken on Diverted Land with Land Use classified as Education.
Q4.) Will the size of the school building vary as per the location?
The School building is the basic infrastructure needed for a school. The size of the school building will therefore, depend upon on the vertical growth (Primary / Middle / Secondary / Sr Secondary) and number of sections in each school. A normal (10+2) school with 4 sections from class I to X and 3 sections in class XI & XII will require 46 class rooms six laboratories and a number of other rooms for administrative support & co-curricular activities.
Q5.) What would be the minimum number of classrooms to start with?
All our School will start functioning as primary Schools, conducting classes from standard I and up to standard VI. Generally, Schools also offer Play School as part of the Main School and offer admission for Play Way, Nursery, PP 1 and PP 2. Accordingly, the school will initially require class rooms commensurate with the total number of sections in the school, in additional to Computer Laboratory and administrative wing of 3 to 4 rooms.
Q6.) What would be the best location for the school?
As far as possible, the school should neither be located on the roads with heavy traffic density & noise pollution, nor in the narrow lanes / roads subject to traffic jams and inaccessible to school buses, away from cluster of high rise building or polluting industrial units. The following factors must be considered before finalizing the site:
- Distance from heart of city / Target Group and travel time by School Bus
- Cost of land in the context of overall project cost and feasibility
- Shape, dimensions, direction and front-area of the land
- Type of soil and suitability for construction
- Availability of underground water and other source of water.
- Geo-topographical and geo-technical survey reports.
- Other education projects in the vicinity.
- Residential area development project and existing houses in the vicinity.
- Climatic conditions and natural factors.
- Approach road and surface road connectivity to City.
- Keep in mind long term view, at least a period of 25 years.
- Legal disputes and problems from nearby village panchayats or other social groups.
- Consider the economic status and perception of Society’s opinion makers of the part of city where the Campus is proposed (for e.g. what other prestigious projects are planned around the vicinity of Campus).
- Local Government and Authorities regulations, bye-laws and guidelines
- Availability of land for future expansion

Q.1) How many sections per class does schools need to have to start with ? How will the school grow thereafter?
Depending upon the infrastructure available school can be started as 1- Section to 4 – Section school. However, it is recommended to start a new school as 2 – Section school from standard I to VI. Keeping In view the financial viability of the project, this school will gradually witness vertical growth up to Senior Secondary level (10+2) during the next 5-year period.
Q.2) Can a Trust start the School up to standard II or III or IV?
Any Trust can start the School up to standard II or III or IV. However, we recommend that all schools should start classes from standard I to VI with 2 sections in each class. The advantages of this practice will be as follows:
- The schools can apply for affiliation to CBSE for middle class syllabus as soon as the school starts classes for standard VI in the following year.
- The school will initially start with about 300 children on its rolls. This will generate necessary revenue income to provide financial stability to the school.
Q.3) The School will be up to which class?
Starting with a 2-section school from standard I to VI, school will witness horizontal as well as vertical growth with addition of 2 sections in the next higher class in the following years till the schools attains the status of secondary school (upto class X). Further, vertical growth to senior secondary school (upto class XII) will depend upon the provisioning of the requisite infrastructure in these schools.
Q.1) How much investment will be required for the Project?
The Investment plan will vary according to the model of the school the Trust opts for and the location it chooses, architectural design & building layout.
Q.2) How much income will be generated in the school project?
With key drives and the parameters remaining as planned in the financial projections (which excludes cost of land), the school can be expected to have positive cash flow from the end of the third year. Since the capital outlay is spread over a number of years, available surplus thereafter is projected to meet the part of annual capital expenditure in the future years. The actual results may vary depending upon variation in key business parameters viz. school expansion plans, capacity utilization etc.
Q.3) What ever income accrues in the school, will it be tax-free?
The income generated by the non-proprietary and Charitable Trusts, managing the school, is tax free up to one crores as per prevailing CBDT directives.
Q.4) What would be the cost of the project if we include the land?
The cost of land would vary substantially with location and size of the plot, which could be added to the cost indicated above.
Q.5) What is the time frame to achieve the break-even point?
Under ideal condition, operational expenses are expected to break even in the middle of the second year. These projections are based on the key parameters; level of activity projected and fee structure. Actual performance and resultant achievement will modify these projections to that extent.
Q.1) How will be the fees be determined?
The issue pertaining to school fees structure has to be examined critically and reviewed periodically based on the ground realities. Based on the market study and competitor analysis along with Differential Analysis, a Performa must be made by Societies / Trusts on annual basis. The fee will then be finalized by the Chairman. Due considerations will be made for the following in determining the fee structure:
- Demographics of the city
- Economic factors
- Rules / Guidelines of the Central / State Government or its Bodies
- Guidelines or Norms of Affiliating Body, if any
- Fees charged by other Schools in the same city
- Cost of Education per student
- Social factors leading to scholarships, freeships, etc.
- Consideration of students from various backgrounds, including consideration for students with track record / contribution in sports, Arts, Music, Dance,
- NCC, Scouts, NSS, Other such activities / talents
- Financial Cost of the Project
Q.2) What will be the fee structure ?
As per the guidelines issued by the CBSE, the fee charged in any school will have to be commensurate with the facilities provided in the school. Keeping in view the proposed state- of-the-art infrastructure and top-of-the-line technology induction in the School, the following type of fees will be charged in these schools.
S. No. | Periodicity of Fee/Payment | Type of Payment / Fee |
1 | One Time Payment | Admission Fee Security Deposit (Refundable) |
2 | Monthly / Quarterly Fee | Tuition fee Annual Charges Amalgamated Fee Bus Fee |
(These heads of fee are allowed as per the Right to Education Act – 2009.)
Q.3) Who will finalize the fee & fee structure to be charged from the students?
The fee structure of schools will be based on the ground realities at the location of the school and promulgated by the Trust after mutual consultation.
Q.4 i) What is the rate at which the fee would be increased every year?
The Tuition Fee & other fees including Security will be promulgated by the Societies / Trusts , at the commencement of the academic session and these fees will not be revised during the middle of the academic session. As per the guidelines issued by the CBSE, the parents’ representatives will be consulted before any upward revision in the fee structure, in the beginning of the academic session. However as per RTE Act-2009, schools are not allowed to increase the fee more than 10%.
Q.5 i) Will the school provide any fee concessions?
ii) What category of children will be granted fee concession in the school ?
The Society / Trust may grant fee concessions to certain category of children studying in the schools. This fee concession may be permissible only in respect of monthly Tuition Fee and all other additional fees viz. Activities Fee, Term Fee, computer / science Fee, Admission, Pupil’s Fund & Security Deposit will be payable in full. Some of the forms of concession that a Society / trust may consider are:
- No monthly tuition fee will be payable by the parents having ‘single Girl Child’ in the family.
- Maximum of two children (Brother or Sister) of the regular teaching or non- teaching staff of the school.
- 20% remission in Tuition fee in respect of second child, in case two children (Brother or sister) of the same parents are studying concurrently in the school.
- Full or half tuition fee exemption in respect of poor but deserving & meritorious students or budding / outstanding sports person or talented in the field of art / culture, subject to a maximum of 10% of the total strength of students in each class.
Granting of fee concession will be solely at the discretion of the Chairman of the School.

Q.1) Who will grant the permission in the State Education Department for opening School?
Since the School will have classes from standard I to VI, necessary permission to start the School will have to be obtained from the local District Education Officer (primary wing). However, some States in the Country have classified Standard I to IV as Primary and Classes V as Secondary. As such, two approvals are required from such States, One from Primary Wing and another from Directorate of Secondary Education for starting classes for standard V.
Q2.) Will there be requirement for any permission of the State Education Department to open the School?
The subject of education has been included in the concurrent list in the Constitution of India. Therefore, prior approval of the State Government will be required for opening of a new school in private sector, irrespective of the board of Affiliation and medium of instruction.
Q3.) Will there be any need to obtain any Clearance / Certificate from the State Government ( Ministry of HRD / Education) for affiliation of the school with CBSE?
No Objection Certification’ (NOC) issued by the State Government (Ministry of HRD / Education or Secretary “Education”) of the concerned State Government of the School with CBSE. This is required at the Stage of approval with CBSE in Year 02.
Q.1) Will the School have Dispensary and a doctor?
The School will have a medical dispensary to provide first-aid to the students in case of any medical emergency. The appointment of a full time Nurse will be subject to the strength of students in the School. However, irrespective of the number of students, all schools will have a part time doctor who will conduct medical examination of all students at least twice in an academic year. The results of the medical examination will be recorded in the Student’s Diary.
Q.2) Will the school have any kind of association with the Hospitals, in case of emergencies?
The school will have a tie-up with the nearest renowned Hospital for attending to the children in case of medical emergency. The school will ensure that any child with a medical emergency is rushed to this hospital using school or hire transport.
Q.3) Will the students be allowed to avail to the library services after schools and on holidays as well?
The Library services will be available to the students only during the working days. All students will be required to return the library books prior to proceeding for summer vacations. However students can retain the Library Book during autumn and Winter breaks.
Q.4) Will the school provide any Insurance cover to the students?
All students will be provided free Insurance Cover of Rs. 1 Lakh against any accident during the Bus journey or school working hours.
Q.5) What kind of facilities should the school provide?
The school will have to provide the following facilities to the students for efficient functioning of the school:
- Basic infrastructure comprising a highly modern school building designed by a renowned Architect and spacious Classroom, well-equipped Learning Center, Science & computer Laboratories, Activities Rooms / Workshops for co-curricular activities and vast play fields for conducting games and sports.
- Highly trendy and comfortable furniture in classroom, offices and computer / Science Laboratories.
- High – end technology comprising School Management Software for management / administration of school, LCD projectors in classrooms, Internet with Wi-Fi, technology, CCTV, smart Cards for students’ attendance system and library transactions.
- Manpower comprising highly qualified and result oriented teachers for all subjects / disciplines / streams and other administrative / logistics / housekeeping / security and support staff.
- School Bus facility, spacious Canteen and Medical Dispensary.
- Free insurance cover for all students for Rs. 1 Lakh.
- Medical Dispensary for emergency medical treatment.
Q1. i) To which Board will the School be affiliated ?
ii) The school would be following which Board ?
Two Central Boards namely CBSE ( Central Board of Secondary Education) and CISCE (Council for Indian school Certificate Examination) formally enroll various schools for following the prescribed/ approved course of studies up to Secondary & Sr Secondary classes for the examinations conducted by the respective Board. Schools can also go for IGCSE or IB boards, if the market research shows the requirement of that kind of school in the area.
Q.2 i) What are the minimum requirements of affiliation with CBSE?
ii) What are the pre-requisites for affiliation to CBSE?
Some of the important conditions required to be fulfilled by the schools are as follows:
- The school should be run / managed by a Trust or society registered under Indian Trust Act 1882 or Societies Registration Act 1860 or relevant Acts of the respective State Governments. The Trust should be of a non-proprietary character. However, the condition for formation / registration of a Trust is not essential in case of schools at foreign locations.
- The school should have a minimum of 2 Acres of land at non-metro locations and 1 Acre at metro locations. The land should be either registered in the name of the Trust / Society or on a registered lease for a minimum of 33 years at the time of applying for affiliation. It is however suggested that the Society owns at least 1.5 acres of land and may choose to lease the remaining land area.
- The school should have prior approval/recognition of the State Government. In addition, the school should obtain a No Objection Certificate (NOC) from the State Government to the effect that the State Government has no objection for affiliation of the school with CBSE.
- The school should have a proper scheme of management with a School Management Committee (SMC) to oversee the day-to-day functioning and management of the school.
- The school should also have requisite infrastructure comprising classrooms, Laboratories, Activities Rooms, and accommodation for various officers & staff; classroom & office furniture and office & teaching equipment, commensurate with its requirements.
- The Teaching staff should be paid salaries in accordance with the pay scales prescribed by the Central Government or the State Government.
- The School should have sufficient financial resources to guarantee its continued existence.
Q.3 i) How will the school be affiliated to CBSE?
ii) What is the date when anyone can apply for the affiliation with CBSE?
As the school, will initially conduct Primary Classes upto standard VI, these schools will not be affiliated to any Board. These Schools will however, follow the curriculum of NCERT. As the Schools grow and commence classes in class VII, an Application will be made for affiliation to CBSE for Middle Class Syllabus (Class VI to VIII).
The affiliation with CBSE will have to be effected in 3 stages during the period of vertical growth of the school. The prescribed application forms for affiliation are available with the respective Board. However, effective from June 2006, CBSE have also introduced on-line submission of application forms for affiliation. The detailed information pertaining to highest class in the school and the last date for submission of Application for the three stages of affiliation is 30th June every year.
Q.4 At what stage the Schools will apply for Affiliation with CBSE?
School fulfilling the essential norms, will have to apply ‘Online’ to CBSE initially for approval of Middle class Syllabus by 30th June of the year, preceding the year in which Class VII is proposed to be started in the school.
Q.5 i) What is the expenditure involved in affiliation?
ii) What are the prescribed fees for affiliation?
The current rates of the affiliation fee payable to CBSE at the time of submitting the application are as given in the succeeding table. However the affiliation fee is subject to change by CBSE:
Note – CBSE holds the right to change the Affiliation Fees any time. Check official website for the latest and updates fees.
S.No. | Type of Affiliation | Affiliation fee at the time of Application (Rs) |
1 | Approval of Middle Class Syllabus | 50,000/- |
2 | Provisional Affiliation for Secondary | 75,000/- |
3 | Up gradation to Sr Secondary | 20,000/- |
Q.6 i) How much time it takes to get affiliation from CBSE?
ii) Will the schools be evaluated / inspected by CBSE staff ?
Based on the applications received by CBSE up to 30 June, the (CBSE) Board nominates an independent Inspection Team, generally comprising two eminent educationists. The Inspection Team normally visits the School between the months of October to December for carrying out a comprehensive inspection of all departments of the school and based on the report of the Inspection Team, the Schools will be granted conditional or unconditional affiliation by the Board.
Q.7 Can the school be affiliated to State Board apart from CBSE/ICSE?
No School can be affiliated to more than one Board simultaneously. The School will apply for affiliation with CBSE in three stages as given below:
- Approval of Middle class syllabus;
- Provisional Affiliation upto Secondary Level;
- Up-gradation to Senior Secondary Level.
Q1. What kind of co-curricular activities will be there in the School?
The School will aim to provide an environment in the school that encourages the development of “Multiple Intelligences” & inner talents of the children, facilitating them to express through music, creative and performing arts. The schools will also aim to provide wide open spaces and play grounds to encourage and conduct variety of games, sports, gymnastics and calisthenics to inculcate qualities of team spirit, leadership and development of skills in organizing ability, interpersonal relations, planning & problem solving.
Q2. i) What types of extra-curricular activities are planned?
ii) Will the school be taking students on educational trips? If yes from which standard onwards?
One must make sure that special emphasis on extra-curricular activities to ensure cultural development of the children and bring about a fine synthesis between modern technology and cultural traditions. Accordingly, as a part of extra-curricular activities, all students from standard I to XII will be taken on organized visits to monuments, museums, sanctuaries, national centers of scientific importance on a regular basis in India and encouraged to participate in adventurous activities organized by the School.
Q3.) How often will the students be taken to field trips and to what all places?
To encourage the students for participation in adventure activities, a variety of outward- bound schemes are aimed to be organized, primarily during the autumn break, winter break & summer vacations. The participation in the adventure activities will be permissible to the students mainly from 6th standard onwards.
Keeping in view the spirit of the National Curriculum Framework 2005/NEP 2020, School shall adopt activity-based, child- centered and joyful teaching-learning programme. At the upper primary level, the activities will be more broad-based and suited to children of the higher age group, namely teacher demonstrations, practical work; surveys; nature trails, seminars and computer-aided teaching-learning programs.
Every teacher in the school will prepare a well thought-out action plan in the Teacher’s diary, before taking up the teaching-learning program in the class. To assist the teacher in preparing the action plan, a Teacher’s Manual containing unit plans and worksheets have been developed . These manuals contain guidelines for teaching lesson in all subjects from standard I to X, based on the new NCERT curriculum based on the National Curriculum Framework for schools (NCFS – 2005), promulgated by Ministry of HRD, Government of India. The work sheets appended to each unit / lesson will evaluate students’ comprehension of the subject matter. Over-emphasis on rote learning, cramming and text-book centered teaching, followed by pen and paper sit-down tests will be avoided, as this approach leaves hardly any scope for the spontaneous development of the children, cultivation of appropriate skills and attitudes among the children will be planned.
Text books and work books prescribed by the NCERT in the subjects of Hindi, English, Mathematics, Environmental Studies / Science & Social Science will be followed in CBSE affiliated School in all the classes.
The Special Educators will also be appointed for identification and counselling of children with learning disabilities / dyslexia.
Q.2) What about the syllabus, are we going along with CBSE, and modifying it as per our guidelines ?
All schools affiliated to CBSE are required to follow the curriculum given in the books published by NCERT. The ‘ Teacher’ Manual’ and ‘Work Sheets’ must also be based on NCERT books to facilitate effective teaching – learning process in the schools. The scope lies in pedagogy.
Q.3 i) What streams will the school have for plus 2 students, in terms of science, commerce, and humanities ?
ii) Which all streams of education will the schools be offering to the plus two students?
Presently, it is planned that all schools will conduct classes up to Sr. Secondary (Class XII) level. The introduction of various streams/combinations in Humanities, Commerce & Science at the Sr Secondary stage (10+2), will be undertaken subject to availability of sufficient number of students and infrastructure in the school. In case of sufficiency of infrastructure, the school will en-roll students for science stream and one or two other streams subject to availability of at least 15 children in these streams.
Q.4) Will the school have laboratories for humanities as well as psychology etc?
The school are aimed to be set-up Six Laboratories for a (10+2) schools, comprising three science laboratories (Physics, Chemistry & Biology), Computer Laboratory, Language Laboratory and Mathematics Laboratory. The school may also add any additional laboratory pertaining to Social Science & Environment Science subjects at a later stage.
Q.5) Will the students have an access to the Internet? If yes, what would be the criteria for the same?
The School is aimed to have state-of-the-art computer laboratory to provide quality computer education. The computer laboratory will aim to provide unlimited internet accessibility to all students from standard I to XII. A few Schools will also have Wi-Fi connectivity enabling the students to avail of wireless Internet connectivity from any location within the campus.
Q.6) What special steps will be taken for education of Children with Learning Disabilities?
A disorder affecting a student’s ability to interpret what he / she sees or hears or link information from different parts of the brain is considered a Learning Disability (LD). The most common treatment for LD is the special education. The School will initiate following steps for these students.
- Specially Trained educator to assess child’s academic & intellectual potential.
- Reinforce virtually what is written on black board or projected on screen.
- Acquire special LD software particularly in Language Laboratories.
- Allow upto 50% additional time to write tests.
- Conduct the Test / Examination in a separate quiet room.
- Allow the question paper to be read to students with LD.
- Vary examination format to accommodate student’s individual learning style.
Q.1) Who will supply the Text Books, Uniform, School Badge, Students Diary & Class Room Furniture?
Schools will normally commence operations on 01 April every year. Since most of these schools will be affiliated to CBSE, the entire curriculum will be based on the textbooks published by NCERT. While the schools will arrange procurement and distribution of NCERT Text books locally, the uniforms for children, school calendar and class room furniture will be made available by the Society / Trust to all School’ by March every year, well before the commencement of the new academic session.
Q.2) What infrastructure / facilities are to be provided by Trust prior to commencement of classes in the new school?
The Trusts are to ensure the provisioning of the following facilities by March, before commencement of Classes from 01 April:-
- Class rooms, Laboratories, Rooms for conduct of co-curricular activities.
- Furniture for classrooms, offices, laboratories.
- Acquire special LD software particularly in Language Laboratories.
- Equipment for co-curricular activities, classrooms (Teaching-Aids), laboratories including consumables items.
- Qualified Teaching & Non-Teacher Staff.
- Drinking water facilities and hygienic standards as per Municipal prescriptions.
Q.3) What all equipment are to be purchased by the Society / Trust?
Schools are aimed to provides state-of-the-art infrastructure in the schools, to maintain high quality and a uniform standard of equipment in the schools. Therefore, to procure the following items from reputed and nationally accepted vendors short-listed:
- School furniture
- Student’s Academic Items
- School uniform / School bag.
- School Stationery
- Lab equipments, instruments and consumables
- Instruments & Materials related to Student Activities like arts, music, etc.
- Sports equipments and items
- ICT Hardware and Software
- School Management Software (ERP)
- Audio-Visual Aids
- Teaching Aids & Tools
- Interior Decoration Items
- School Facility & Admin Stock Items
Q.1) Will there be written examination for students of Class I & II?
No formal examination will be conducted for students of Class I & II. The progress of these students will be assessed through oral and performance based tests, conducted in an informal and relaxed environment.
Q.2) What would be the grading system for the student?
The grading system in the School will be as per the latest CCE guidelines of CBSE.
Q.3) What evaluation system will be followed in school?
Schools will follow a system of Continuous & Comprehensive Evaluation comprising the following three components to evaluate students, achievement:
- Written Examination / Oral Test.
- Assignments / project Work.
- Practical work (For Secondary or Sr Secondary)
Q.4) Will the Board examinations be held in the school itself or some other centers?
The CBSE sets up the examination centers within the premises of an affiliated school, subject to availability of a reasonable number of students appearing for the Board Examination. Thus, in the initial years the board examinations for the School students may be combined with another center till the school has the stipulated number of students on rolls for appearing in the Board Examination.
Q.1) What will be the hygiene level of the water and sanitation in the school?
The School will have child-friendly approach to hygiene, sanitation, and water supply facilities, aiming to design facilities that are part of the learning environment and stimulate, & promote appropriate hygiene practices among children. The toilets for children will have dimensions different from those for adults. The schools will also ensure adequate water and storage to meet the requirement of drinking, hand washing and cleaning of toilets. It is envisaged to supply a minimum of 20- 25 liters of water per student per day in the schools. Drinking water storage tanks will be regularly cleaned and if possible checked to ensure that the water is safe for drinking. In addition, all drinking water in the schools will be available for use only after proper treatment through UV / RO water purifiers.
Q.2) What about lunch for children? Are children expected to carry lunch from home or would there be a cafeteria or a mess for them?
The dining Hall in the School will serve preferably vegetarian snacks & lunch to the students, outsourced from a reputed catering agency. The Students will be served fruits, milk, lunch and evening snack. They may also be served with some nutritious snacks during play-hours or on the way back home. A detailed plan and diet chart will be prepared by a Dietician. It is also necessary to bring in variety and change on a regular basis so that the students don’t get bored with food easily.
Q.1) i) Will the school have a permanent or a visiting counselor in the Schools as it is becoming the need of the hour?
ii) Does staff also include Special Educators / Educational Psychologists /Counselors?
The appointment of school counselors is not a pre-requisite for affiliation of the school with CBSE. Therefore, decision to appoint a counselor will depend upon priority and concern of the school management for the betterment of mental health, discipline and orderly behavior of the students. However, schools should aim to appoint a part time school counselor in primary schools followed by a full-time counselor during Middle / Secondary / Senior Secondary level.
Q.2) Will there be requirement of a counselor in the school?
The School Counselors are professional educators with a perspective on the mental health of the children. The appointment of a school counsellor certainly helps to save the schooling system from cases of undesirable activities or emotional breakdown or selection of a mis-matched professional career by the youngsters.
Q.3) What are the essential qualifications of the school counsellor?
A qualified counsellor should have minimum post-graduate qualification in psychology or a graduate with a diploma in counselling.
Q.1) What will be the student – teacher ratio?
Ideally all schools aim to have 30 children in each class. As regards the teachers, they will be 1.5 teachers for each class in the School. Thus the student – teacher ratio in the school will be 20:1 or lower.
Q.2) Can the school have visiting faculty apart for the fixed ones? If yes, what will be the criteria for appointing them?
As per the CBSE Bye-laws, a school is required to appoint fully qualified teaching faculty on a regular basis. The teachers can be appointed on a contractual basis provided the school is unable to get a subject teacher on a permanent basis. Visiting faculty for academic subject will not be permitted in the school. However faculties for extra school activities and seminars and conferences will be called on a regular basis.
Q.3) What will be process of recruitment of the Principal?
The principals in schools are to have high qualities of personal leadership and innovative management skills to lead the high – tech world – class schools in the future years.
Depending upon the requirement, the ‘School’ will be issuing advertisements in leading newspapers for the selection of the principals at various locations. Leading web recruiting portals will also be used to source in potential candidates.
Q.4) Can schools outsource the services of the Non-teaching staff?
As a matter of policy, all Schools should focus on their core-competencies for delivering quality education & outsource the non-critical school activities. The services for following areas / departments are recommended to be outsourced rather than staff on permanent basis:
- Security Personnel
- House Keeping Services / Conservancy Staff
- Arboricultural (maintenance of lawns / gardens) Services
Q.5) i) What can be the minimum qualification of the staff?
ii) What is the minimum qualification of teachers for recruitment?
All the Teaching staff should have necessary educational and professional qualifications as prescribed by CBSE.
S.No. | Post | Qualifications |
1 | PRINCIPAL | Master Degree (Or Equivalent) with B.Ed. or its equivalent and 5 years of teaching experience in Secondary / Sr. Secondary Classes |
2 | TEACHER | (Trained Post Graduate / Graduate Teacher) with B.Ed.. |
3 | JUNIOR | TEACHER Graduate with B.Ed. |
4 | PHYSICAL EDUCATION TEACHER | Graduate in Physical Education or B.P. Ed. |
5 | MUSIC TEACHER | Graduate in/ with Music from recognized university or Secondary with Sangeet Visharad / Sangeet Vidya / Sangeet Prabhakar / Sangeet Visharad / Sangeet Ratna. |
6 | SENIOR COMPUTER TEACHER | B.Tech (Computer Science) or MCA or BCA or Graduate / with 2 – year diploma in computer science. |
7 | ART & CRAFT TEACHER | Graduate with drawing & Painting / Art / Fine Arts with 2-years full time diploma or MA in Drawing & Painting / Diploma in Painting / Fine arts. |
Q.6) i) To start with how many teachers do we need to appoint in a school up to 6th standard?
ii) What is the minimum number of teachers that one needs to start the school?
Initially School will function as 2 – Section Primary School conducting classes from standard I to VI. The requirement of teachers for running a 2 –Section School with classes from Standard I to VI is given in the following table:
Post under Teaching staff Category | No. of Teaching staff * |
Principal | 1 |
Vice – principal | 1 |
Senior Teacher | Nil |
Teacher (Graduate Trained Teacher) | 2 |
Junior Teacher (Primary Teacher) | 8 |
Computer Teacher | 1 |
Physical Education Teacher | 1 |
Art & Craft / Drawing Teacher | 1 |
Music | 1 |
TOTAL | 16 |
*Subject to change, general estimates only.
Post under Non-Teaching staff category | No. of Non- Teaching staff* |
Senior Administration Executive | 1 |
Junior Accountant | 1 |
Office Assistant / Data Entry Operator | 3 |
Receptionist | 2 |
Security Guard | 6 |
Peon / Plumber/ electrician | 5 |
Others | 5 |
TOTAL | 18 |
*Subject to change, general estimates only.
Q.1 What will be the total number of working days in the school during an academic session?
As per the CBSE norms, the academic year in School will be from 01 April to 31 March of the following year. The total number of working days in the School shall not be less than 220 days in any academic session.
Q.2 What will be the number of periods / instructional hours per day in the school?
The school will have 42 periods per week for Primary classes, 48 periods per week for Secondary and 54 periods per week for Sr Secondary classes. Based on these norms, the school will have 5 academic hours for Primary, 51/2 academic hours for Secondary and 6 hours for Sr Secondary classes.
Q.3 Will the school follow the 5-day or the 6-day routine?
The School will function for a minimum of 220 days in an academic session and will be open from Monday to Saturday (6-day week) except 2nd & 4th Saturdays, which will be observed as holidays for students. However, teaching and non-teaching staff will observe 4th Saturday as a normal working day to facilitate/ review of lesson plans and unit plans.
Q.4 What will be the school timings?
The school will have 42 periods per week with 5 hours of academic activity for Primary Classes (class I to V) and 48 periods per week with 51/2 hours of academic activity for Secondary (classes VI to X) classes. The school timings will be fixed by the School Management Committee keeping in view the sunrise or sunset timings during summer / Winter season. However, the criteria for academic activity hours / Number of period will be strictly adhered to.