School Rules

School-House System


  • The student body from class 1 to XII in every branch is divided in four houses-namely NALANDA,VISHWABHARTI,
  • The house system forms the base for all the competitions held in all branches. It promotes team spirit, group loyalty and healthy competition.


School Diary


  • School diary is a link between the school and parent.
  • Parents are requested to sign the diary of their ward regularly to get updated about remarks & information concerning the child.




  • Parents are requested to ensure that their wards attend the school regularly. In case of any absence, parents should submit an application to the Class Teacher or Principal.
  • Long leaves will not be allowed to the students during teaching days except on medical grounds, 75% attendance is compulsory to appear in the terminal examination as per the CBSE norms.


Late Arrival


  • If any child comes late more than three times in a month, a fine of Rs.10 will be charged after three continuous late.




  • One clear calendar months’ notice in writing, or a month’s fees in lieu of such notice must be given before a pupil is withdrawn from the School.
  • Those who leave the school in April have to in all cases pay the fees for the months of April and May.
  • Transfer certificate shall not be issued until all dues of the school are clear.
  • Students can be restricted from the school on grounds of indiscipline and bad conduct.


Fee Mode of Payments


  • Fee can be paid in Cash , Cheque or Online Mode.
  • in Aashiana Branch – Fee will be paid in 9 easy instalments from classes II-XII and in 4 instalments from Nursery – Class I 
  • in Dhawapur Branch – Fee will be paid in 10 easy instalments from classes PG-X
  • Fee must be paid positively by last day of the month.
  • Failing this, the same will be accepted with a late fee of Rs.10/- per day upto the last day of the next month.
  • If you fail to deposit the fee of your ward upto the last day of the next month the name of your ward will be automatically struck-off from the roll without any prior notice or information. Failing this, child will not be allowed to attend classes.
  • To re-admit the child, you will have to pay Rs.2000/- as re-admission charge with all dues.
  • If the cheque bounces due to any reason, the fee will be deposited in Demand Draft/Debit or Credit card in the school office along with cheque bouncing charge @ Rs.400/- and admissible late payment.
  • All dues must be cleared before the commencement of the Term Examination. Failing to this, the child will not be allowed to appear in the Term Examination.
  • No fine to be waived-off under any circumstances by the Principal.

Important Instructions for Parents/Guardians

  1. Parents are requested to be polite with teachers whenever they meet them.
  2. Parents are requested to pay school fees in time.
  3. Parents are requested to provide uniform ,books and stationery as prescribed by the school to their wards.
  4. Parents should encourage their wards to maintain regular and punctual attendance in the school and discourage them from staying at home or attending functions which may hinder their studies.
  5. If your ward is absent from school he / she must complete all the pending work in time.
  6. Parents are requested to ensure their participation in PTM to note the Progress of their wards in studies and their behaviour in school.
  7. Parents will sign the Progress Report of their wards and take suitable measures to check lacking areas to remove deficiency if any.
  8. It is parents responsibility to ensure that their ward reaches school at least 5 minutes before the school commences.
  9. Attending morning school assembly is compulsory for all students as it inculcates a sense of companionship and discipline among the student.
  10. Parents must check that their ward is keeping cleanliness and neatness in his / her personal habits, uniform, textbook, exercise book etc.
  11. Parents are requested to ensure that their wards complete the homework daily noted in the school diary.
  12. The name , class and section of the pupil should be clearly marked on all the belongings of the students. Water bottles blazer and jerseys should also bear the name of the student. The school accepts no responsibility whatsoever for loss of any valuable brought to the school.
  13. Parents of girls are advised not to allow wards to wear any jewellery. Besides, their nail should be properly trimmed.
  14. In case your wards suffers from any infectious disease, do not send him/her to the school till the disease is cured.
  15. Parents are not allowed to meet teachers during school hours without the permission of the Principal. Alternatively, they can seek prior appointment from the teacher concerned through the school fairy.
  16. Parents will not be allowed to deliver the tiffin at any cost once the student enters the school . They are advised to check the tiffin of their ward at the time when the child leaves home.
  17. It is imperative for student to participate activity in different co-curricular & extra-curricular activities organized by the school.
  18. The guardians must intimate to the school about any change of their address at the earliest in order to communicate with them in urgent matters.
  19. Giving tip to the employees of the school is not allowed.
  20. Strict action will be taken if a student is found guilty of damaging school property.
  21. To ensure safety of their bicycle, students are advised to lock their bicycle and park them only at allotted bicycle stand.
  22. Parent’s co- operation is required to ensure overall development of their child.
  23. If a child is absent for more than three days without information his/her name will automatically be struck off.