Holiday on account of Krishna Janmashtami
August 23, 2024Parent Teacher Meeting, Dhawapur Branch
September 12, 2024Holiday on account of Krishna Janmashtami
August 23, 2024Parent Teacher Meeting, Dhawapur Branch
September 12, 2024Dear Parents,
Kindly pay attention that if your child is suffering from Mumps, Diphtheria, etc and showing symptoms like high fever , sore throat or swelling in throat etc, kindly refrain from sending the child to school until he/she is cured so that it may not spread to other children.
कृपया ध्यान दें कि यदि आपका बच्चा कण्ठमाला, डिप्थीरिया आदि से पीड़ित है तथा उसे तेज बुखार, गले में खराश या गले में सूजन आदि जैसे लक्षण दिख रहे हैं, तो कृपया बच्चे को ठीक होने तक स्कूल न भेजें, ताकि यह बीमारी अन्य बच्चों में न फैले।
Vishwanath Academy
Dhawapur Branch